
Ementa da disciplina optativa para a graduação: \"Tópicos Especiais em História XXXV\". Tema: Degredados e Gentios: papéis da alteridade na configuração atlântica do Império Português. Unicamp, 2001.

Cultural History / Cannibalism / Exile / Colonial Brazil / Alterity / Jesuit Missions / Portuguese Colonial Empire / Jesuit Missions / Portuguese Colonial Empire

A tortura, o exílio, e seus efeitos

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) / Torture / Exile / Exilio / Tortura / Political Repression / Síndrome de estresse pós trauma / Life in exile / Political Repression / Síndrome de estresse pós trauma / Life in exile

Herdeiros do exílio: memória e subjetividade em três documentários chilenos contemporâneos

Documentary (Film Studies) / Exile / Cinema and Memory / Documentary Film / Exile Cinema / Cinema and History / Chilean Cinema / Cine Chileno / Exilio / Cinema and History / Chilean Cinema / Cine Chileno / Exilio

Fronteiras e exilios nas sociedades medievais. O caso galego-portugués.

Medieval History / Exile / Frontier Studies / Borders and Frontiers / Galicia and Portugal Medieval History / Portuguese-Galician Medieval Frontier

\" Este Lugar do Mundo: Portugal \" . O lugar da memória, um lugar na memória \" Este Lugar do Mundo: Portugal \"

History and Memory / National Identity / Exile / José Saramago (Area Studies) / Manipulation / Censure

José Ricardo Morales. De mar a mar (2014) by Pablo Valdivia (review)

Exile / Hispanic Studies / Spanish Republican Exile Literature / José Ricardo Morales

Review: Correspondencia. Luis Seoane (Compostela: Consello da Cultura Galega, 2014) Grial. Revista galega de cultura, 202. 119-20

Transatlantic relations / Exile / Transatlantic studies / II Repúbica y exilio / Literatura española - exilio 1939 - cine y literatura

O exílio de Plínio Salgado em Portugal: a Vida de Jesus e a composição do apostolado político (The exile of Plínio Salgado in Portugal: Vida de Jesus and the composition of the political apostolate)

Fascism / Political History / Exile / Salazarism / Integralismo / Integralism / Exilio / Vida de Jesus / Salazarismo / Plínio Salgado / Contemporary History of Portugal / Integralism / Exilio / Vida de Jesus / Salazarismo / Plínio Salgado / Contemporary History of Portugal

Review of Palabras huérfanas by Verónica Sierra

Children and Families / History of the USSR / Exile / Spanish Civil War

Hildegard Baum e Alice Brill, formacão e despertar da sensibilidade: entre vanguardas e sombras

Visual Anthropology / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Exile / Women Artists / Women and Gender Studies

EXÍLIOS, MIGRAÇÕES E ASSOCIATIVISMOS NA EUROPA NO SÉCULO XX conferência internacional CASA DO ALENTEJO Biblioteca 14 e 15 de Outubro de 2016

Portuguese History / Migration / Irregular Migration / Labor Migration / Voluntary Associations / Exile / Forced Migration / Migration Studies / Sociology of Migration / Transnational migration / Migration (Anthropology) / Migraciones Internacionales / Migración / Associations / Exilio / Exile Studies / Histoire des mouvements associatifs / History of Voluntary Associations / Associativismo / Exilio Político / Mobilidade Humana E Exílio / Exile / Forced Migration / Migration Studies / Sociology of Migration / Transnational migration / Migration (Anthropology) / Migraciones Internacionales / Migración / Associations / Exilio / Exile Studies / Histoire des mouvements associatifs / History of Voluntary Associations / Associativismo / Exilio Político / Mobilidade Humana E Exílio

PROGRAMA COMPLETO Conferência Internacional Exílios, Migrações e Associativismos na Europa do século XX

Migration mobilities / Migration / Irregular Migration / Labor Migration / Voluntary Associations / Exile / International Migration / Forced Migration / Migration Studies / Migration History / Sociology of Migration / Transnational migration / Contemporary International Migration / Migration (Anthropology) / Transnational Labour Migration / Exile Literature / International Migration and Immigration Policy / Migrant workers / Migrations / Migraciones / Migraciones Internacionales / Refugees and Forced Migration Studies / Migración / Associations / Exilio / Exile Studies / Histoire des mouvements associatifs / Associativismo / Migration and Diaspora Studies / Exile / International Migration / Forced Migration / Migration Studies / Migration History / Sociology of Migration / Transnational migration / Contemporary International Migration / Migration (Anthropology) / Transnational Labour Migration / Exile Literature / International Migration and Immigration Policy / Migrant workers / Migrations / Migraciones / Migraciones Internacionales / Refugees and Forced Migration Studies / Migración / Associations / Exilio / Exile Studies / Histoire des mouvements associatifs / Associativismo / Migration and Diaspora Studies

Contemporary Anglo-American Drama of Exile

American Literature / New Testament / Contemporary Drama / Exile / American Drama / Contemporary American Literature / Contemporary Literature / Theatre of the Absurd / Anglo-American literature / Satire / Tragedy / The Bible in Art and Literature / Hebrew Bible/Old Testament / Psychological aspects of dramatic literature / Contemporary American Literature / Contemporary Literature / Theatre of the Absurd / Anglo-American literature / Satire / Tragedy / The Bible in Art and Literature / Hebrew Bible/Old Testament / Psychological aspects of dramatic literature
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