Social and Cultural Anthropology


Social and Cultural Anthropology / Anthropology and Sexuality / Anthropology in Public Health

Zeme Naga Folklores

Folklore / Ethnography / Social and Cultural Anthropology


Cultural History / Cultural Heritage / Visual Culture / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Cultural Theory / Identity (Culture)

Merografia, totalização e conhecimento na Atenção Básica à Saúde

Social and Cultural Anthropology / Atenção Primária a Saúde / Antropologia Social / Humanização da Atenção e da Gestão

As roupas esportivas e o nosso cotidiano: muito além do binarismo de gênero

Social and Cultural Anthropology / Gender and Sexuality / Dress and identity / Homosexuality / Fashion

O Campo no Japão: Um Pequeno Ensaio Sobre a Noção de Casa e o Parentesco

Japanese Studies / Anthropology / Ethnography / Japanese Language And Culture / Social and Cultural Anthropology

Tempo e memória: o que não está em jogo no campo do patrimônio cultural

Cultural History / Cultural Studies / Social Psychology / Social Sciences / Cultural Heritage / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Heritage Tourism / Cultural Heritage Conservation / Heritage Conservation / Culture / Cultural Heritage Management / Patrimonio Cultural / Antropología cultural / Antropología Social / Antropologia Urbana / Patrimonio Industrial / Patrimonio / Patrimônio Histórico / Patrimônio Cultural / Museos y Patrimonio / Patrimonio cultural inmaterial / Patrimonio Urbano / Patrimonio Culturale: Valorizzazione / Antropologia / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Heritage Tourism / Cultural Heritage Conservation / Heritage Conservation / Culture / Cultural Heritage Management / Patrimonio Cultural / Antropología cultural / Antropología Social / Antropologia Urbana / Patrimonio Industrial / Patrimonio / Patrimônio Histórico / Patrimônio Cultural / Museos y Patrimonio / Patrimonio cultural inmaterial / Patrimonio Urbano / Patrimonio Culturale: Valorizzazione / Antropologia

O sujeito da techne – O problema do desenho da vivência da justiça

Political Theory / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Architecture and Public Spaces

After the Disaster: Facing the Family Facing Trauma/Depois do Desastre: Face à Família Face ao Trauma - Invited Course for the Brazilian National Family Therapy Congress/Congresso Brasileiro de Terapia Familiar, Gramado/RS, Brazil, June 2016

Cultural Studies / Traumatic Stress / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) / Trauma Studies / Disaster Management / Cultural Psychiatry / Loss and Trauma / PTSD / Trauma / Complex Ptsd / Natural Disasters / Terapia sistemica / Terapia Familiar / Terapia familiar sistémica / Systemic Family Therapy / Terapia Familiar Cultural / Cultural Family Therapy / Cultural Aspects of Family Therapy / Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma / Disaster Management / Cultural Psychiatry / Loss and Trauma / PTSD / Trauma / Complex Ptsd / Natural Disasters / Terapia sistemica / Terapia Familiar / Terapia familiar sistémica / Systemic Family Therapy / Terapia Familiar Cultural / Cultural Family Therapy / Cultural Aspects of Family Therapy / Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma

Alain de Botton e As Arquitecturas de Felicidade

Social and Cultural Anthropology / Urban Studies / Postmodernism / Arquitectura / Espaço Arquitectónico / Estudos Urbanos e Regionais / Alain De Botton / Design De Espaços Públicos / Estudos Urbanos e Regionais / Alain De Botton / Design De Espaços Públicos

Antropologia e História Xavante em Perspectiva

Indigenous Studies / Indigenous or Aboriginal Studies / Ethnography / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Brazil / Indigenous Peoples / History of Indigenous Peoples / Xavante / Indigenous Peoples / History of Indigenous Peoples / Xavante

Para que servem antropólogos da incerteza e complexidade, num grupo de investigação multidisciplinar?

Anthropology / Epistemology / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Complexity / Chaos Theory / Chaos/Complexity Theory / Multidisciplinary design practices / Epistemología / Uncertainty / Complexidade / Antropología Social / Antropología / Teoria Do Caos / Risco E Incerteza / Chaos/Complexity Theory / Multidisciplinary design practices / Epistemología / Uncertainty / Complexidade / Antropología Social / Antropología / Teoria Do Caos / Risco E Incerteza

Maassai e a Conservação do Habitat: Lion Hunting (draft)

Social and Cultural Anthropology / African Lions / Massaï

Antropologia Ingénua, Antropologia Erudita Origem do Homem, Imaginação e Ideias Adquiridas

Anthropology of Knowledge / Social and Cultural Anthropology / History of Science / Human origins (Anthropology) / Epistemology of the Social Sciences / History and Philosophy of paleoanthropology and evolutionary biology

Vozes ativas das favelas 2.0: Autorrepresentações midiáticas numa rede de comunicadores periféricos

Cultural Studies / Web 2.0 / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Social Media / Redes Sociais / Favelas / jornalismo Cidadão / Periferias Urbanas / Overmundo / Autorrepresentação / Viva Favela / Representação de favelas / Correspondente comunitário / Favelas / jornalismo Cidadão / Periferias Urbanas / Overmundo / Autorrepresentação / Viva Favela / Representação de favelas / Correspondente comunitário
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