
Entrevista com François Dubet Estigmas e discriminações – a experiência individual como objeto

Sociology of Education / Stigma / Stigmatization / Discrimination / Sociologia / Sociologia da Educação / Stigma and Discrimination / Experiencia / Estigmas / François Dubet / Sociologia da Educação / Stigma and Discrimination / Experiencia / Estigmas / François Dubet


Homossexualidade / Experiencia / Experiencia Estética / Formación de públicos / Acontecimento / O Boticário Dia Dos Namorados

O Limite da Pele: Realidade Somática ou Real psíquico?

Pesquisa / Límites / Experiencia / Límites De Consistencia

Essas horríveis histórias em quadrinhos

Gilles Deleuze / Giorgio Agamben / Comics and Graphic Novels / Susan Buck-Morss / Histórias em Quadrinhos (HQ's, Comic Books, Mangás) / Platão / Horror / Experiencia / Fredric Wertham / Walter Benjamín / John Lent / Platão / Horror / Experiencia / Fredric Wertham / Walter Benjamín / John Lent

A invenção dos quadrinhos: teoria e crítica da sarjeta

Georges Didi-Huberman / Jean-Luc Nancy / Gilles Deleuze / Walter Benjamin / Jacques Lacan / Maurice Blanchot / Jacques Rancière / Giorgio Agamben / Michel Foucault / Jacques Derrida / Georges Bataille / Comics and Graphic Novels / Aby Warburg / Carl Einstein / Arte / Narrativa / Histórias em Quadrinhos (HQ's, Comic Books, Mangás) / História da arte / Teoria da Arte / Experiencia / Montagem / Invenção / Teorias Da Imagem / Thierry Groensteen / Ann Miller / Álvaro de Moya / Bart Beaty / Moacy Cirne / Thierry Smolderen / Hannah Miodrag / Paul Gravett / Sarjeta / Maurice Blanchot / Jacques Rancière / Giorgio Agamben / Michel Foucault / Jacques Derrida / Georges Bataille / Comics and Graphic Novels / Aby Warburg / Carl Einstein / Arte / Narrativa / Histórias em Quadrinhos (HQ's, Comic Books, Mangás) / História da arte / Teoria da Arte / Experiencia / Montagem / Invenção / Teorias Da Imagem / Thierry Groensteen / Ann Miller / Álvaro de Moya / Bart Beaty / Moacy Cirne / Thierry Smolderen / Hannah Miodrag / Paul Gravett / Sarjeta

NÃO FOI APENAS UM BEIJO: O acontecimento beijo gay na telenovela Amor à Vida e a constituição de públicos

Teoría Queer / Comunicação Social / Homossexualidade / Experiencia / Acontecimiento / Novelas / Formación de públicos / Louis Quéré / Beijo Gay / Novelas / Formación de públicos / Louis Quéré / Beijo Gay

Nós, os bárbaros! Reflexões a partir de \"Experiência e Pobreza\"

Art / Walter Benjamin / Modernity / Experience / Arte / Modernidade / Experiencia / Modernidade / Experiencia

Projeto de mestrado BNCC e campos de experiência.pdf

Educação Infantil / Arte Educação / Experiencia / Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC)

Limites da mudança e propostas vagabundas: perspectivas práxicas da educação ambiental / Limits to change and vagabond propositions: praxical perspectives of environmental education (2016)

Critical Theory / Environmental Science / Aesthetics / Teaching and Learning / Education / Critical Discourse Studies / Sociology of Education / Environmental Education / Teacher Education / Science Education / Environmental Psychology / Higher Education / Praxis / Critical Pedagogy / Educational Psychology / Environmental Studies / Educational Research / Learning and Teaching / Environmental History / Critical Thinking / Phenomenological Psychology / Phenomenology / Environmental Management / Everyday Aesthetics / Environmental Aesthetics / Pedagogy / Environmental Policy and Governance / Outdoor Education / Teacher Training / Phenomenology of the body / Aesthetics and Ethics / Aesthetics and Politics / Culturally relevant pedagogy / Environmental Sustainability / Research / Critical Thinking and Creativity / Phenomenology (Research Methodology) / Phenomenology of the Body (Philosophy) / Phenomenology of Space and Place / Phenomenology of Temporality / Immersion and Experience / Argumentation Theory and Critical Thinking / Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis / Outdoor Play and Learning / Social Pedagogy / Earth and Environmental Sciences / Educación / Pedagogía / Educación Ambiental / Experience / Educação Ambiental / Desenvolvimento Regional e Meio Ambiente / Philosophy of Praxis / Outdoor Learning / Aesthetic Experience / Meio Ambiente / Medio Ambiente / Outdoor Education and Learning / Gestão Ambiental / Pedagogia / Caracterizaciones ambientales / PSICOLOGIA AMBIENTAL / Pedagogie / Experiencia / Curriculum and Pedagogy / Benefits of Outdoor Learning / Critical Discourse Studies / Sociology of Education / Environmental Education / Teacher Education / Science Education / Environmental Psychology / Higher Education / Praxis / Critical Pedagogy / Educational Psychology / Environmental Studies / Educational Research / Learning and Teaching / Environmental History / Critical Thinking / Phenomenological Psychology / Phenomenology / Environmental Management / Everyday Aesthetics / Environmental Aesthetics / Pedagogy / Environmental Policy and Governance / Outdoor Education / Teacher Training / Phenomenology of the body / Aesthetics and Ethics / Aesthetics and Politics / Culturally relevant pedagogy / Environmental Sustainability / Research / Critical Thinking and Creativity / Phenomenology (Research Methodology) / Phenomenology of the Body (Philosophy) / Phenomenology of Space and Place / Phenomenology of Temporality / Immersion and Experience / Argumentation Theory and Critical Thinking / Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis / Outdoor Play and Learning / Social Pedagogy / Earth and Environmental Sciences / Educación / Pedagogía / Educación Ambiental / Experience / Educação Ambiental / Desenvolvimento Regional e Meio Ambiente / Philosophy of Praxis / Outdoor Learning / Aesthetic Experience / Meio Ambiente / Medio Ambiente / Outdoor Education and Learning / Gestão Ambiental / Pedagogia / Caracterizaciones ambientales / PSICOLOGIA AMBIENTAL / Pedagogie / Experiencia / Curriculum and Pedagogy / Benefits of Outdoor Learning

As Lições do Lager: experiência com o mal e (de)formação nas narrativas de Lanzmann e Semprun

Theodor Adorno / Autobiography / Biography / Memoir and Autobiography / Hannah Arendt / Biography and Life-Writing / Bildung / Auschwitz / Holocaust Shoah / Autobiografia / Claude Lanzmann / Experiencia / Jorge Semprun / Joan Carles Mèlich / Biography and Life-Writing / Bildung / Auschwitz / Holocaust Shoah / Autobiografia / Claude Lanzmann / Experiencia / Jorge Semprun / Joan Carles Mèlich


Filosofía / Educação / Experiencia

Os limites da \" experiência \" e da \" liberdade \" no Encontro Nacional Universitário da Diversidade Sexual (ENUDS

Gênero E Sexualidade / Movimento Lgbt / Experiencia / Diversidade Sexual / Movimento Estudantil / ENUDS
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